Now is the time to start a journal about living through this global pandemic. It doesn’t need to be anything elaborate or written in any formal way. Imagine one day when your children or grandchildren ask you about what it was like to live during the covid-19 outbreak. What would you tell them? Jot down brief notes about how it feels to live through this. Some day, those notes could be an important legacy to leave for future generations. Write down snippets about day-to-day life. Use an old notebook, a note-keeping app on your phone, store them online (something like Google Docs or email them to yourself), or use social media.
Scientists (and writers) have long known about the therapeutic benefits of writing about personal experiences, thoughts and feelings. But besides serving as a stress-coping mechanism, expressive writing produces many physiological benefits.
Jessica Wapner article in Scientific America
Not only will you leave something that might be important in the years to come, but the act of writing in a journal can be therapeutic and help to relieve some of the stress this huge disruption to our day-to-day lives that this pandemic has caused.